Our Services
Young People and Families
received intensive support by our Young People and Families projects
hours of service delivered across the country
families given support by the Janus programme across Ireland
of young people believe they are treated with respect and honesty by Extern staff

Service Provider
Deirdre O'Driscoll
Deirdre has worked in Extern since June 2007 and has held a variety of roles within Extern including Service Manager and Programme Manager Assistant Director. Deirdre holds responsibility for Tusla, Department of Justice and HSE funded services. Deirdre’s prior experience in the residential care and homeless sector, both in a professional and voluntary capacity, has further served to invigorate her drive and energy to improve the lives of those most vulnerable in our society. She has an Honours Degree in Applied Social Studies and a Diploma in Management and Employee Relations.

Intensive Home Support Service

Janus Programme

Kinnahalla Youth Village
+44 (0)7484 536616
Roscor Youth Village
+44 (0)7967 810437
Savannah House
+353 (0)86 383 1891
+353 (0) 86 383 1890
Short Stay Break Service

Youth Support

Time Out Programme (Galway/Roscommon)