Our Services
Addictions Support
deaths from drugs in NI in 2021
of deaths from drugs were male
alcohol-specific deaths in NI in 2021
people supported by Extern in 2021-22

Service Provider
Mal Byrne
Mal has worked in the homeless and addiction field since 1999 in Extern. In 2019, Mal became the Assistant Director in Extern overseeing all of their communities’ portfolio incorporating homeless hostels, criminal justice projects and 15 drug and alcohol services both in Northern Ireland and the Republic. In 2024, Mal was appointed as Extern's Director of Mental Health and Addictions Services

Belfast Drug and Alcohol Coordination Team
BDACT Connections develops and delivers integrated education and prevention plans to raise awareness of the impact of drugs and alcohol locally.
028 9084 0555
Drugs Accommodation Support Project (DASP)
028 9033 0433
Enhanced Needle and Syringe Exchange Service (NSES)

Harm Reduction Training

Low Threshold Services
Extern's Low Threshold projects support those experiencing problematic substance and alcohol usage, using a person-centred approach to assist individuals who wish to reduce their use.
Needle and Syringe Exchange
0800 085 8426
Extern Problem Gambling
+353 (0) 89 241 5401
Step 2 Service
028 2565 4012