Investors in People
Investors in People
Investors in People
Extern has most recently been awarded ‘Silver’ standard in Investors in People which represents a step forward from our previous ‘Bronze’ accreditation following an assessment in 2023. We also found that we were in the top 20 organisations that are in the Silver Category!
The organisation has been through a period of challenge and change but through this, there has also been a commitment made to continuously improving the employee experience at Extern.
This commitment has been made at all levels from the HR team to management to senior leadership.
Some of our feedback from the interviews and survey found that:
- Employees are dedicated and talented often going the extra mile to deliver high quality services
- Teams have a collaborative spirit where they have clarity about the need to work together while also taking personal accountability
- Issues or concerns can be spoken about with managers openly and solutions are co-produced
- Employees are continuously developing skills and knowledge through experience and formal learning
We look forward to continuing the process of enhancing the employee experience in Extern and look forward to our next assessment in 2026! Let’s go for Gold!