
Our Services

Belfast Drug and Alcohol Coordination Team

BDACT Connections develops and delivers integrated education and prevention plans to raise awareness of the impact of drugs and alcohol locally.


The Connections Service is the operational division of the Drug and Alcohol Co-ordination Teams (DACTs), which operates as a collaborative effort among multiple agencies across Northern Ireland. Its primary focus is to establish local priorities and implement drug and alcohol plans within each Trust area.

Extern staff member holding a know your limits cup

The Public Health Agency funds a Connections Service in each of the Health Trust areas in Northern Ireland, whose role is to take forward local campaigns and initiatives in relation to drug and alcohol issues. Extern hosts the Connections team for the Belfast area.

At the heart of the Connections Service are dedicated workers serving as the crucial link bridging the gap between DACTs, community groups, service user networks, and various agencies.

Their role extends beyond mere liaison; they play a pivotal part in informing DACTs about emerging trends and issues within the community.

Additionally, these workers adeptly identify service gaps, actively contributing to plans and partnerships aimed at addressing shortcomings in the system.

Their proactive engagement ensures a responsive approach to evolving drug and alcohol-related challenges in the community. This service operates without formal referral, ensuring accessibility to all individuals in need.

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