
Our Services

Drugs Accommodation Support Project (DASP)

The Drugs Accommodation Support Project (DASP) works with People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) to access temporary supported accommodation with a specialist worker.

Extern's Drugs Accommodation Support Project (DASP) supports active drug users, helping them move from street life to stable housing and addiction treatment. 

This service operates through collaborative efforts, engaging strategic partnerships with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Public Health Agency, PSNI, and DPP.

At the core of this service lies a commitment to not only provide stable accommodations but also to facilitate a pathway towards addiction treatment.

Working at community and street level, and across a number of locations in Belfast and farther afield, our diverse range of projects continued to support people living with varying levels of problem drug and alcohol use.

Extern's collaborative approach harnesses the expertise and resources of multiple stakeholders, working collectively to address the intricate challenges faced by active drug users in finding stability, breaking free from homelessness, and accessing essential addiction treatment.

This multifaceted approach ensures a holistic support system, guiding individuals toward a more hopeful and empowered future.

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