
Our Services


Situated in Roscommon on the banks of Oakport Lough, Oakport provides respite to service users and their families

How do I get support?

Tel: +353 (0) 86 383 1890

Email: [email protected]

At Oakport, our respite care spans up to three nights, offering vital relief for young individuals and, in certain instances, their families, enabling them to temporarily step away from the overwhelming pressures they encounter daily.

Here, within the nurturing confines of Oakport, young people and families discover a haven of tranquillity. Extern staff provide a supportive and peaceful atmosphere, creating an environment conducive to relaxation and reflection.

Together, we work closely with individuals and families, utilising this time to address and resolve some of the challenges they face.

Oakport isn't just a space for respite; it's a place to regroup and rejuvenate. Beyond the calming atmosphere, individuals have the opportunity to engage in local activities, fostering a sense of community and connection.

Alternatively, families can choose to simply unwind and reconnect in the serene ambiance, fostering quality time together.

Our goal at Oakport extends beyond providing respite; we strive to create a sanctuary where individuals and families can recalibrate, find solace and develop strategies to navigate life's difficulties, leaving with a renewed sense of strength and resilience.

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