
Our Services

Prisoner Support Project

The Prisoner Support Project supports the rehabilitation of short-term offenders on their release from Maghaberry Prison into the community

Contact the project?

Tel: +44 (0)28 9033 0433

Email: [email protected]

Working in partnership with multiple agencies across statutory and community and voluntary sector providers, the Prisoner Support Project is designed to prevent reoffending by addressing the many underlying issues and adverse lifestyle choices.

Client receiving support from Extern

This project provides intensive support to individuals who are the hardest to reach and have a history of prolific offending.

The impact will be that offenders are supported to address their own lifestyle choices. These improved controlled responses will lead to safer communities and a reduction in reoffending rates.

Under the Department of Justice Corporate Plan 2022-2025, this programme will help support the four main themes which are to:

  • Support Safe and Resilient Communities
  • Address Harm and Vulnerability
  • Challenge Offending Behaviours and Support Rehabilitation
  • Deliver an Effective Justice System

This project supports individuals who have additional complex needs such as an offending history, acute mental health issues, complex trauma, substance, and alcohol dependence.

They will work with the service users by building relationships and providing support within the Prison (prior to release), this will continue through the discharge process from the prison, with the same staff member continuing to support and work with the prisoner during their journey back into the community (post release).

The team will provide diversionary techniques to address issues that contribute to offending behaviours and will provide intensive, twice weekly engagement sessions.

The support sessions will be delivered in a pragmatic way to respond to individual needs. The team will also provide top-up, crisis, and emergency responses as required


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