
Real Stories

Phillip's Story - Mid-Ulster and South Tyrone (MUST) Hostel

Phillip's Story

Due to depression and anxiety I found I couldn’t cope with keeping on top of things at home.

I have difficulty doing even everyday things like cooking, shopping or budgeting. I wasn’t coping well at all, so I had to give up my tenancy.

I went to a hostel but found it too chaotic, so I applied to go to Extern’s MUST hostel in Cookstown. Things were much more structured there for me.

There is a lot more support from the staff, and they spend a lot of time just talking to you and helping you get the support you need.

I feel a lot more stable and safe at MUST. There is always someone around to talk things through with or get you the help you need in order to move forward. I always feel understood and not judged by the staff.

They’ll always provide the help and support you need if you are willing to work with them.

MUST Hostel,

Find out more about the Mid-Ulster and South Tyrone Hostel


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